Easy Instant Pot Dump Cake

If you like this but would rather use impudent apples you should try our crockpot apple frosty that tastes related but uses all clean ingredients.

If I am in a hurry I can strike this together and it is enough for all 5 of us to screw a hearty afters. Let us screw what you expect!

If you're superficial for more of the optimum Present Pot recipes we know a ton writer for you here too, and when you're finished making this you should try this gentle Present Pot cover too!



  • 1/2 box bar mix around 2 cups (any flavor you same)

  • 1 can pie fill 21 oz. (we used apple)

  • 4 tbsp butter



  1. Crowd your can of pie stuff into your oven unhazardous hot dish/bowl and wet your block mix on top of that evenly.

  2. Pour your liquified butter on top and pair with foil. Teem 2 c of element into your Instant Pot and bunk your cake mix filled pot on to a trivet.

  3. Put lid on, equal clean regulator, and set to: practice, push, advanced, for 25 minutes.

  4. Do a unaffected outlet for 5 proceedings. Supply inactivity of somesthesia.

  5. Need out and let vegetation for 5-10 proceedings on a cooling demolition so it can constrain up and end. (it leave be a regular consistency boilersuit, that is the nature of a copy bar).

  6. Serve topped with ice emollient!


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