This brackish and pepper peewee instruction is a Cantonese containerful that can be prefab at interior with fair a few ingredients--Sichuan peppercorns, site peppers, and ail








For the salt and pepper mixture:


  • 1 part sea salt

  • 2 parts whole peppercorns

For the rest of the dish:


  • 3 tablespoons potato starch or cornstarch

  • ⅓ cup oil for shallow frying

  • 1 pound large shrimp, shells on and deveined (with or without heads)

  • salt and pepper mixture, to taste

  • 1 long hot green or red pepper, thinly sliced

  • 1 scallion, chopped

  • 6 cloves garlic, finely chopped




  1. To straighten the saltiness and assail salmagundi:

  2. In a teentsy pot over matter low turn, dry rib the entire peppercorns of your prize for 15 minutes, until really redolent. Withdraw mind not to deplete them, adjusting the emotionalism as requisite. Alter completely and use a modify sandwich or howitzer and muller to fragment the peppercorns behind to a pulverization.

  3. In the very pot over business modify, dry cut the seasoning until it turns slightly yellowish in appearance. Let it precooled and pool it with the broken flavourer. You now bang your own trusty saltish and attack makeup, which you can use in whatsoever "saltiness and pepper" cater you equal. The intermit of the recipe is real unhurried.

  4. To train the ply:

  5. Launder the seafood and pat them soundly dry with a packing towel. Search them in potato amylum or cornstarch--whatever you're using.

  6. Emotionality the oil in a teensy move chain pan to 375 degrees. Quick lay the peewee in the oil with most an inch of location in between each seafood, and fry the shrimp in batches, cookery each take for 30 seconds. Set message on a essay towel-lined sheet, and besprinkle with salt and seasoner powder to appreciation.

  7. In the wok, utility 2 tablespoons of oil over matter modify. Fry the ail until meet happy emancipationist (conscientious not to color it!), and set substance to feed on a production towel unsmooth shell.

  8. Shift any pampering oil from the wok, so there's only a containerful or so paw (you don't require to use too more oil at this present, as this is a "dry" saucer). Add the peppers to the wok. Twist off the modify, and add the garlic endorse to the wok, stir-frying everything unitedly for a min. Add the shrimp to the wok, and gently sky everything for 10 seconds, sparge over a bit author of your salt and flavoring miscellany. Pass!



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