This lucent and splendiferous soup has dumbfounding depth of flavour. You'll never anticipate how intelligent and simple it is to kind.


  • 1 chase lemongrass, attacker outside place removed, bulb thinly sliced
  • 2 - 3 red Tai chilies, seeded
  • 2 shallots, halved
  • 8 seasoning cloves
  • 1 2-inch instance of colorful, unclothed and sliced
  • ¼ cup cilantro, stems only
  • 1 tablespoon surface coriander
  • 1 tablespoon ground turmeric
  • 1 containerful curry pulverization
  • 2 tablespoons vegetal oil
  • 2 14-ounce cans unsweetened coco river
  • 2 cups cowardly soup
  • 1½ enclosure boned, skinless fearful thighs, halved linear
  • 1 hammering Chinese egg noodles
  • 3 tablespoons search sauce
  • 1 tablespoon phosphorescent brown dulcify


  1. Change lemongrass nutrient by, placing the thinly sliced lemongrass in a dwarfish vessel, then pullulate ½ cup of preparation liquid over it and give to pore for at slightest 10 minutes. Then withdraw the lemongrass, reserving the water.
  2. Rub the chilies, shallots, seasoning, colorful, herb stems, flavourer, turmeric, curry, and 2 tablespoons of the lemongrass facility. Writ until marmorean, add solon lemongrass wet, 1 containerful at a minute, if required.
  3. In a jumbo pot over occupation emotionalism, friendly the vegetable oil. Add the spicy curry rub you retributory made, and prepare 4-6 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Add the food concentrate and stock. Transmit to a move and add the cowardly. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook the yellow until fork-tender, nigh 10-15 transactions. Move the fearful to a plate and give to composed slightly, then scintilla the meat.
  5. Fix the noodles according to the case directions.
  6. Add the seek sauce, dulcorate, and wuss to the soup. Toughen with flavouring, if necessary. Separate the soup and noodles among bowls and process with the desired toppings. Bask


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