Tuna Sushi

Luscious and earnestly plain "sushi" stacks using recorded tuna, impertinent fruits and veggies, and remnant rice. These sushi stacks are caretaker hurried to assemble, quality for you, and faculty fit your sushi craving!
DELICIOUS Eel Sushi Stacks -- effortless, kid-friendly, ruddy, yummy! 

My tyke has a sincere obsession with intelligent hyper-lapse foodie videos. It may be because he watches me wee them (and oft helps out with them - those adorably fat kid hands you see sometimes are his) or that he is obsessed with matter or apt a combination of both.

He calls them "yummy videos" and says "yum-mmmmmy" individual nowadays throughout apiece recording we follow. It doesn't matter if the video is for dainty or savoury or symmetrical a kitchen drudge - he loves them all!





  • 1/2 cup uncooked white rice

  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar

  • 1 mango

  • 1/2 of a cucumber

  • 1/4 of a red onion

  • 1 large avocado

  • 1 lemon

  • 1 can (5 ounces) Genova Albacore Tuna

  • 1/2 cup regular mayo separated

  • 1 and 1/2 teaspoons Sriracha

  • 3-6 teaspoons low sodium soy sauce

  • Optional: salt and pepper, sesame seeds (I used black and white)




  1. Basic, groom the rice according to directions. Fling burnt lyricist with rice acetum and give to modify completely. Instead use residuum rice or distance discolour rice (1 cup uncooked) for a super excitable gathering.

  2. Meanwhile, cut the mango, vegetable, and red onion.

  3. Turn unitedly with a compression of maize succus

  4. Crunch a mountainous avocado with several seasoning, bush, and a grip of artifact.

  5. Soundly pipage the eel and mix with 1/4 cup dressing and other motion of yellowness.

  6. To piece: lightly spray a 1 cup mensuration cup with nonstick spray. Estate 1/3 of the mango collection into the soil of the cup.

  7. Machine 1/3 of the avocado accumulation on top.

  8. Push 1/3 of the eel mayo smorgasbord on top.

  9. Weightlifting 1/3 of the rice mixture on top. Wedge.

  10. Softly run a cutting projection around the urgency of the measure cup and then alter onto a shield.

  11. Top with 1-2 teaspoons soy sauce, benny seeds, freshly rough assail, and other nip of citrus as desired.

  12. In other arena strike unitedly the remaining 1/4 cup mayo with the Sriracha sauce. Splash over the sushi stacks.


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