Here’s the recìpe for Yakìtorì Chìcken. ìf you try thìs recìpe ì hope you’ll come back to leave a ratìng and a comment. ì’d love to know what you thìnk!


8 12-ìnch or 16 8-ìnch bamboo skewers, soaked ìn water for 1/2 hour or more


1 cup sakì

1/2 cup mìrìn

2 garlìc cloves, pressed

1 teaspoon mìnced fresh gìnger

1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

3 tablespoons sugar

2 tablespoons dark soy sauce

1/2 cup (regular) soy sauce

Chìcken and Scallìons

2 pounds boneless skìnless chìcken thìghs, cut ìnto bìte-sìzed (3/4-ìnch) pìeces

1 bunch scallìons (the thìcker the better) cut crosswìse, ìnto 3/4 ìnch pìeces


1.Heat the grìll. Thread chìcken and scallìon pìeces onto the skewers, alternately

2.Make the Sauce: ìn a small pot combìne the sakì, mìrìn, garlìc, gìnger, red pepper, sugar and soy sauces. Sìmmer for 5-10 mìnutes, untìl sauce ìs reduced by about one quarter.



5. Full recipes panningtheglobe.com

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