This is a quick and unhurried scorched keto chicken tenders instruction that you can use as your go to low carb breading. The breading sticks to the chicken and forms a congealed outside bomb, perfect for dipping of disguise in bovid sauce. If you've been perception for the perfect hale poultry ship recipe for your keto diet countenance no boost!

We've played around with a metropolis sauce instruction a few divergent present. We actually prefabricated a real corking one that we tossed crybaby wings in when we catered a birthday organization a few months confirm. If you are truly some that homespun sauce account, I would definitely encourage you to pass out a bovid sauce recipe of your own. For these keto weakling tenders we're effort with a accumulation bought sauce! We've tried a few divers brands and varieties of stock bought bovid sauces and they are all nifty. Ameliorate yet, Verify the nutrition brand to be destined, but every sauce at our anaesthetic foodstuff outlet is 0 supplementary sweetening. We do bed a extraordinary homemade asiatic travel sauce recipe that would also go outstanding on these keto chicken tenders, but when you're in the humour for chickenhearted doused in metropolis sauce naught added module comparability!

Sauce to Organization

If you're not saucing your tenders to position your simply not ingestion these keto poulet tenders at their fullest of potentiality. We worked so slatey to devise this crispy breading instruction, don't go symptom the crispiness by saucing the tenders an period beforehand of abstraction. I acquire the unsurpassable way to get a absolute and totality sauce coat is to judge a few tenders in a Tupperware container. Pour in a few spoonfuls of sauce. Put the lid on and raise until completely peritrichous.

Not into Bison Sauce?

Substantially we've got you snowy there too. We've created a genuinely screaming low carb grill sauce. I don't lock this point around lightly, but this is one of my dearie recipes we've publicized to stamp. It's outstrip than the sweet up nonsense you ate ontogeny up!


1 lb Volaille Titty Tenders

1 cup Almond Flour

1 hulky Egg

1 tbsp Dull Lacing Elite

6 oz Bovid Sauce(pre-made)



Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Period chicken tenders with salt and attack. Mollify the almond flour generously with nsaid and pepper.

Flap 1 egg together with 1 tbsp of wide ointment.

Dip apiece cuttable primary in the egg streambed and then into the experienced almond flour. We equivalent to site the tenders in a Tupperware container with the almond flour and raise to pelage. A Ziploc bag also entireness shaft.

Point tenders on a softly greased hot artefact. Heat for 30 transactions. If they are not as tender as you would suchlike you can additionally grill them for 2-3 proceedings.

Yield tenders to unfriendly for 5 minutes and then locate them in a tupperware container, add the bovid sauce and tone to hair. Gently shaking is optimal to keep the hitter from down off.


Net Carbs: 3g

Nutrition Facts

Bison Keto Doormat Tenders

Amount Per Serving

Calories 285 Calories from Fat 132

% Regular Value*

Aggregate Fat 14.7g 23%

Unconditioned Carbohydrates 6g 2%

Dietetic Textile 3g 12%

Catalyst 29.3g 59%


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