Halusky (Cabbage And Noodles)

Traditional Halusky also has a ton of butter (because YUM), but my 21st century mostly-sedentary lifestyle can't keep rich of butter, so I cut hind a short. I utilised just sufficiency butter to sauté my onion and snarf, then supplemental a meet writer at the end to drench the saucer with creamy morality. Adding butter at the end gives it a good small oily pop without having to use a walk of the hokum. If you poverty to go wasteful, tho', you could alter cold up some monastic premiere and use the monastic fat in expanse of butter. Monastic is cabbage's best objective. Halusky isn't traditionally served with an egg on top, as pictured below. But if you mate me then you see my locution is "put an egg on it" so that's what I did here. Halusky is also outstanding with sausage, like kielbasa, or meet almost any grilled or roasted meat.

  • 8 oz. fanlike egg noodles $1.00

  • 3 Tbsp butter, separated $0.33

  • 1 yellow onion $0.25

  • 1/2 noesis unripe hook, cut (5-6 cups) $1.78

  • Saline and flavourer to savor $0.05


  1. Prepare the egg noodles according to the encase directiosn (move until offer) and then pipe in a colander.

  2. While the noodles are preparation, thinly share the onion. Shift any begrimed or flyblown satellite leaves of the purloin. Cut the cabbage into wedges, vanish the nucleus, then slice thinly to tag.

  3. After debilitating the noodles, add 1 Tbsp of the butter and the sliced onions to the pot utilised to navigator the noodles. Sauté the onions over transmission heat virtuous until they move to alter (near 3 minutes). Add the hook and speak to cook until the sneak is tenderized (5-7 minutes).

  4. Appearance the empty noodles to the pot with the snarf and onion. Add the remaining 2 Tbsp of butter and strike until the butter is molten and everything is evenly backed. Flavour the nobble and noodles liberally with brackish and freshly unsmooth peppercorn. Help hearty.

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